Launching the Java 2 Plug-in Control Panel

The Java 2 Plug-in Control Panel is launched differently depending on the client platform and on the vendor of the plug-in.

Windows client platform

For the Windows client platform:

  • For the IBM Java 2 plug-in, click Start > Programs > Java Plug-in Control Panel
  • For the Sun Java 2 plug-in, click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Java Plug-in

Linux client platform

For the Linux client platform:

  • For the IBM Java 2 plug-in run the following: <JRE install directory>/jre/bin/JavaPluginControlPanel; For example: /opt/IBMJava2-13/jre/bin/JavaPluginControlPanel;
  • For the Sun Java 2 plug-in run the following: <Java 2-enabled Web browser install directory>/plugins/java2/bin/ControlPanel; For example: /usr/local/netscape6/plugins/java2/bin/ControlPanel;

OS/2 client platform

For the OS/2 client platform:

  • Assuming that the Java 2 plug-in is installed on drive c:, run: c:\java13\jre\bin\jctrlpnl.cmd

Mac OS X client platform

Click Macintosh HD > Applications > Utilities > Java > Java Plugin Settings.