Downloading and installing the IBM Java 2 plug-in for the Microsoft Windows platform

This panel contains instructions for downloading and installing the IBM Java 2 plug-in for the Microsoft Windows platform.


This Java 2 plug-in will run on the following Windows platforms: Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 98.

This plug-in will function with any Windows browser that can use a Java 2 plug-in, including:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Netscape Version 6 and 7

Downloading and installing the IBM Java 2 plug-in for Microsoft Windows

Follow these steps:

  1. Is your browser displaying the panel shown below?
    • If so then go to step 3 below.
    • If not then go to step 2 below.
    Press the Continue button to download the installation image
  2. Is Z and I Emulator for Web displaying an informational popup window that prompts you to click OK in order to download the Java 2 plug-in?
    • If so then click OK on the popup window. The panel shown in step 1 above should be displayed. Then go to step 3 below.
    • If not then follow these steps:
      1. Use your Web browser to connect to the file dashboard.html in the publish directory of your Z and I Emulator for Web server. An example URL is: http:\\myZIEWebServer\ZIEWeb\dashboard.html
      2. Under Java 2 Runtime Environment Installation Image, click IBM 32-bit Runtime Environment for Java 2
      3. Your browser should display the panel shown in step 1 above.
      4. Go to step 3 below.
  3. If you reach this step then your browser should now be displaying the panel shown in step 1.
    • If so then continue to the next step.
    • If not then start with step 1 again. If you still do not see the panel shown in step 1 then please contact your system administrator.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. A file download panel should be displayed. Click Save.
  6. The Save As panel should be displayed. Select a temporary directory in which to save the file IBM-Win32-JRE.exe and click Save to save it.
  7. Use Windows Explorer to display the file IBM-Win32-JRE.exe. Click the file to run it.
  8. A setup language panel is displayed. Select a language and click OK.
  9. A welcome panel is displayed. Click Next.
  10. A software license agreement panel is displayed. Click Yes.
  11. A choose destination panel is displayed. Select the directory in which you want to install the Java 2 plug-in and click Next.
  12. A question panel is displayed, ask whether to install this Java Runtime Environment as the system JVM. Click No.
  13. A start copying files panel is displayed. Click Next.
  14. A completion panel is displayed. Click Finish.
  15. Restart the browser.