Configuring Certificate Express Logon

To configure Certificate Express Logon, you must record a macro using the Certificate Express Logon wizard. Using the wizard, you can specify that you want to log on to multiple applications with one macro. This means that you no longer need to record a macro for each host application that you want to access. SSL configuration and client authentication on the telnet servers and z/OS is not required before recording the logon macro but must be done before you can play the macro.

To configure a session for Certificate Express Logon:

  1. Create a 3270 display session for the administrator user.
  2. Load the Z and I Emulator for Web client, log on as the administrator, and start the session you created in the previous step.
  3. Make sure you are at the start screen of the host application before you start recording. This should be the logon screen or the one before it. Do not log on.
  4. Record a logon macro. Click Record Macro on the Macro toolbar. Type a name and description for the macro. Use a name that will help you to recognize it as an Express Logon macro.
  5. Check Certificate under Express Logon Feature.
  6. Enter the application ID. This is the host access control facility's application ID.
  7. Continue through the Certificate Express Logon macro recording. Click Help if you need more information. If you enter the wrong data while recording a macro, you cannot go back to make corrections. You can, however, record over the existing macro or edit the macro code to make changes.
  8. Click Stop Recording when you have completed the recording of all the screens.
  9. Enable SSL and client authentication. Right-click the session icon, select Properties, and then click the Security tab.
  10. Test the macro. Click Play Macro on the Macro toolbar.

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