Database On-Demand User Options (User)

The Database On-Demand User Options window allows you to set default values that Z and I Emulator for Web automatically uses to initialize input fields in new SQL statements and new File Upload statements.

To open the Database On-Demand User Options window:

  1. Navigate to the Database On-Demand desktop.
  2. Click Options.

An example of a default option is the Database URL field on the Logon tab. You can use this field to specify a default value for the remote database server that you want to connect to. Then, when you create a new SQL statement or File Upload statement, Z and I Emulator for Web initializes the Database URL field in the new statement to the default value. You can accept the default value or (in most cases) specify a different value.

Specifying a different value in the new SQL or File Upload statement:
For most data transfer defaults, you can specify a different value in the new SQL statement or File Upload statement if you do not want to accept the default value. The procedure for specifying a different value is described for each group of options below.

Some of the groups described below possibly do not appear on your Database On-Demand User Options window, depending on how your Z and I Emulator for Web administrator has configured your Database On-Demand client.


See General.


See Tables.


See Drivers.


See Logon.

BiDi (for Arabic and Hebrew)

See BiDi.

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