Results (SQL Wizard)

The Results tab appears when you run the SQL statement.

The Results tab is available only when the type of the SQL statement is Select.

The Results tab displays the contents of the rows in the remote database that match the conditions specified in the SQL statement. (In a Java 1 browser, see the tabs Condition 1, Condition 2, and so on of the SQL Wizard. In a Java 2-enabled browser, see the Conditions tab of the SQL Wizard.)

  • For each row, the Results tab displays only those columns that the SQL statement specifies are to appear in the results. (See the Columns tab of the SQL Wizard.)
  • The Results tab displays the columns in the same order in which the SQL statement specifies. (See the Columns tab of the SQL Wizard.)
  • The leftmost column of the Results tab (which contains 1, 2, 3, and so on) is not part of the contents of any row, but rather is included to indicate the order in which the row result was returned.
  • You can change the width of a column by dragging the boundary of the column in the heading to the left or right with the mouse.
  • If you are running a Java 1 browser, you can sort the rows based on the contents of any column, by clicking the column heading. Clicking the same column heading a second time sorts in reverse order.

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