Data Transfer Defaults

The Data Transfer Defaults window allows you to set default values that Z and I Emulator for Web automatically uses to initialize input fields in new SQL statements and new File Upload statements.

To open the Data Transfer Defaults window from the session window of a 3270 Display session, 5250 Display session, or VT Display session, click Actions > Data Transfer Defaults.

An example of a data transfer default is the Database URL field on the Logon tab. You can use this field to specify a default value for the remote database server that you want to connect to. Then, when you create a new SQL statement or File Upload statement, Z and I Emulator for Web initializes the Database URL field in the new statement to the default value. You can accept the default value or (in most cases) specify a different value.

Specifying a different value in the new SQL or File Upload statement:
For most data transfer defaults, you can specify a different value in the new SQL statement or File Upload statement if you do not want to accept the default value. The procedure for specifying a different value is described for each group of data transfer defaults below.

Some of the groups of data transfer defaults described below possibly do not appear on your Data Transfer Defaults window, depending on how your Z and I Emulator for Web administrator has configured your Z and I Emulator for Web client.


See General.


See Tables.


See Drivers.


See Logon.

BiDi (for Arabic and Hebrew)

See BiDi.

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