Problems logging on or connecting

You may encounter the following problems when you log on to Database On-Demand or when you connect to the host on which the database server is running.

1. When the database server is running on an iSeries platform

SQL Assist

In certain circumstances users may encounter the error message SQL Assist Exception (see SQL Assist Exception).

2. Netscape 4.x

Disabling the JIT compiler

If you are required to disable Netscape 4.x's Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler, follow these steps:

  1. Close the browser.
  2. Rename the Netscape jit*.dll file so that it does not have a final extension of .dll. This file is located in the following directory:
    \program files\netscape\communicator\program\java\bin\
  3. Start the browser.

Database access with host print

Do not use Netscape 4.x if your environment requires both of the following functions:

  • One or more host print sessions (3270 Printer, 5250 Printer)
  • Database access

The first function requires that the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler be enabled, while the second function requires that the JIT compiler be disabled.

Problems connecting

  • If you are running Netscape 4.7x on a Windows platform, you may see the following message when you try to log on: Please disable the JIT compiler and restart the browser. If you see this message, then disable the JIT compiler as described above.
  • Netscape 4.x without a Java 2 plug-in cannot connect to an iSeries host that is running OS/400 V5R1 and that has long password support enabled. The Netscape 4.x JVM does not implement the APIs required to encrypt long passwords. To work around this problem, use a different browser, or install a Java 2 plug-in for Netscape 4.x.

Problems logging on

  • If you are running on a Windows platform, you may see the following message when you try to log on: Please reset the environment variable CLASSPATH to NULL. If you see this message, then:
    • Close the browser.
    • Change the value of the environment variable CLASSPATH to NULL. Consult the Windows system documentation for information on how to change the value of an environment variable.
    • Start the browser.