Tracing on the client

To access the Trace Facility from a host session:

  1. On the host session Actions menu, click Problem Determination.
  2. Click Trace Facility.
  3. Use the Log/Trace Facility online help for more information.

Starting and stopping a trace

  1. Click Trace on the toolbar.
  2. Select a trace level for each function and component. The function and the component are the source of the trace. The function is the name of the feature and the component is a specific part of the selected function. The higher the trace level, the more information that is traced.
  3. Click Start.
  4. Take the necessary steps to reproduce the problem.

    The trace starts and captures trace and log messages. Messages are saved to a trace buffer. Once the default number of entries has been reached, trace entries start wrapping; new entries replace the old entries. To change the number of trace entries saved to the trace buffer, click Settings.

    To see trace messages as they are captured, click Console. However, running the console during a trace may affect performance.

  5. Click Stop.

You can view the trace messages in the console or save it to a file (or both). To view the trace messages, click Console. To save the trace messages, click Save. To clear the current trace console and trace buffer, click Clear.

Saving a trace file

To save the log and trace information, click Save.

After running a trace and capturing data, choose where you want trace files to be saved by clicking Settings and then select Server or Local.

Server If you select Server and Z and I Emulator for Web is downloaded from a Web server or installed as a local client, the file is saved on the server in the \private directory under the Z and I Emulator for Web installation directory.

The file is saved using the following naming convention: SVRLOGANDTRACE. username.user where username is the Z and I Emulator for Web user who is logged on and user is the file extension.

Local If you select Local, name the file and choose where you want to save it.

Both To save a trace file to both server and local:

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Select the other choice for Save Location and click OK.
  4. Click Save.

Viewing a trace file

To view a previously saved trace file, open the file in a text editor.

To view the current trace file:

  1. Click Trace on the toolbar.
  2. Click Console. If the console is empty, then the trace buffer has been cleared.

Viewing a log file

  1. Click Actions > Problem Determination.
  2. Click View Log Messages.

To save log messages, copy and paste the information to a text file.

Log information contains messages about events that occur while the program is running. The events can be information, warnings, or errors. Log messages are always captured and are dynamically updated. When you view the log file, you see only log messages.

When you run the Trace Facility, log messages are also captured in the trace file. You can run a trace, save the captured messages to a file, and then view both log and trace messages in the console.