Changing customization settings

Screen-settling customization settings can be changed using the connection editor in the ZIETrans Toolkit. To change the settings, typically in the main.hco file for a connection named main, open the ZIETrans Projects view, expand Connections, and select main (default).

Five of the settings can be changed on the Screen Handling tab of the connection editor: All of the settings described above can be configured on the Source tab. In the <classSettings> tag, the screen-settling settings are in the class.
You can add or modify the settings as needed to configure screen-settling performance. The default connection settings are:
   <class name="">
      <setting name="default.delayInterval" value="1200"/>
      <setting name="default.appletDelayInterval" value="400"/>
      <setting name="default.blankScreen" value="timeout"/>
      <setting name="default.delayStart" value="2000"/>
The following example updates one setting and adds another:
   <class name="">
      <setting name="default.delayInterval" value="1200"/>
      <setting name="default.appletDelayInterval" value="400"/>
      <setting name="default.blankScreen" value="timeout"/>
      <setting name="default.delayStart" value="1500"/>
      <setting name="nextScreenClass"