Host Terminal

You can also use the Host Terminal to edit a previously recorded macro by right-clicking on the nodes in the macro tree and selecting Edit. If you select a screen to edit, this will launch the screen recognition criteria editor which will allow you to modify your screen. If you edit any input that you entered in your screen, a window will open up and allow you to change or modify the input. If you edit the Next Screens node, you will be given a list of available screens to select for your next screen. Select from the list in the order you want your screens to appear.

To debug macro play errors, four icons exist on the Host Terminal toolbar. The icons are designed to help you step through a macro, where a step is defined as playing one action or recognizing one screen. The icons are Step Into, Step Over, Step Return and Resume.

Each of the icons have function keys associated with them. Depending on which view is active (either the Macro Navigator or the Host Terminal) , the F5, F6, F7, and F8 keys will function differently. For instance, if the Macro Navigator is active, pressing F5 will do Step Into, and pressing F6 will do Step Over. If the Host Terminal is active, pressing F5 or F6 will send the AID key to the host. For more information about these and other macro related icons, see Macro related icons.
  1. ZIETrans requires you to define screen recognition criteria for certain screens. These screens are:
    • First and last macro screen
    • Start and end of a loop
    • Macro extract
    • Macro prompt
  2. Cut, copy, and paste functions are provided in the host terminal by using the following key combinations:
    • Cut: Ctrl-X or Shift-Delete.
    • Copy: Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Insert.
    • Paste: Ctrl-V or Shift-Insert.
  3. Two new Video Terminal (VT) connection properties enable you to force the normal foreground or background of the VT Host Terminal to selected colors. This might be useful in a case where a VT application changes a foreground color to match the background color and thus renders the text unreadable on the Host Terminal.

    The settings can be added to the Advanced tab of the connection editor. The settings, which operate independently of each other, are forceVTNormalForegroundToColor and forceVTNormalBackgroundToColor .

    The format for the setting value is redValue,greenValue,blueValue where the values each range from 0 to 255. For example, to override the normal foreground color to be white, add this setting to the table of advanced settings:
    forceVTNormalForegroundToColor = 255,255,255

    These settings only affect the normal foreground and background colors. If any character attributes are set (bold, blink, underline, or reverse) or if any of the ANSI colors are set by the VT application, these settings are ignored.

    For more information about advanced connection settings, see Configure optional, advanced connection settings.

Macro icons shows the macro icons that appear on the host terminal screen toolbar.
Table 1. Macro icons
Icon Description
open macro Open a macro. Use the drop-down list to select a macro.
play macro Play a macro. Use the drop-down list to select a macro.
record macro Start recording a macro
stop macro Stop recording a macro
save macro Save the recorded macro
step into Step Into (F5) the macro for debugging purposes
step over Step Over (F6) the macro for debugging purposes
step return Step Return (F7) in the macro for debugging purposes
resume Resume (F8) playback of the macro
define macro screen recognition criteria Define the screen recognition criteria for a macro screen
add a prompt action Add a prompt action into the current macro (enabled only when recording a macro)
add an extract action Add an extract action into the current macro (enabled only when recording a macro)
record a loop macro Record a loop into the current macro (enabled only when recording a macro)
add prompt actions for all fields Add prompt actions into the current macro for all fields on the screen (enabled only when recording a macro)
add extract actions for all fields Add extract actions into the current macro for all fields on the screen (enabled only when recording a macro)
show/hide keypad Show or hide the keypad in the host terminal window
text OIA Show or hide the textual Operator Information Area (OIA)