Considerations and limitations for WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile

When using Debug on server to test your application, a display issue might occur on the terminal window. You might receive the following error message:

ERROR HPS5018 An unexpected exception has occurred.
  Frame unable to display: java.awt.HeadlessException.

If this error occurs in the console, you can fix this problem by following these steps.

  1. In the ZIETrans Projects view, open the Servers tab.
  2. Right-click on the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile server listed and click on New > Server Environment File > jvm.options.
  3. Add the value to the file:
  4. Save and close the jvm.options file.
  5. Restart the server to activate the changes.

Liberty Web Profile-8:


ZIETrans REST API deployed in liberty web profile - 8 having JAX-RS 2.1 feature which results in incorrect json output or the variable which must be ignored is also added to json response.


Liberty JAX-RS 2.1 uses JSON-B to serialize and de-serialize JSON to objects, but JAX-RS 2.0 uses Jackson.


In ZIETrans REST API generated Input_Properties and Output_Properties java files.

  1. Change @JsonIgnore to @JsonbTransient and @jsonproperty to @jsonbproperty of JSON-B library.
  2. Add ‘import javax.json.bind.annotation.JsonbProperty import javax.json.bind.annotation.JsonbTransient’.

If the user writes any custom code, annotations used must be JSON-B annotations.

ZIETrans REST API generated Input_Properties and Output_Properties java files are in “Project_Name\Java Source\restfulserviceclasses”.