Copying resources between Web and rich client projects

You can copy, paste, delete, move, and rename rich client resources using the pop-up menu in the ZIETrans Projects view. The following resources can be copied or moved between ZIETrans Web and ZIETrans rich client projects:
  • Connection profiles
  • Macros
  • Screen captures
  • Screen customizations
  • Images
  • Java source files
  • BMS files
  • Host simulation files
Note: You are not allowed to copy transformations, transformation fragments, or templates between ZIETrans Web and ZIETrans rich client projects.
Some resources copied from projects of different types will need modification. For example, a macro copied from a ZIETrans Web project to a ZIETrans rich client project will need to be updated to refer to a valid SWT Java macro handler (for ZIETrans Web projects, macros refer to a JSP macro handler). Screen customizations will also need to be updated because of references to JSP transformations specified in the apply action and because of URLs specified in the forward action. A warning message will appear in the Problems view to help you find and fix these problems. The following scenarios will be flagged:
  • Screen customization action referencing an incorrect artifact (typically an apply action referencing a transformation that does not exist in the project).
  • Macro referencing an incorrect macro handler.
  • Forward or block actions in a rich client screen customization.

There is no built-in function to migrate a ZIETrans Web application to a ZIETrans RCP application. Some artifacts, such as screen customizations, macros, connections, screen captures, images, business logic source files, and custom component source files can be manually migrated, with minimal changes, from one project type to another. Other artifacts, such as transformations, custom widgets, templates, and custom macro handlers require more extensive changes to work in a project of a different type.