Setting the compiler compliance level

The Java runtime environment (JRE) of both your Eclipse workspace and your intended runtime environment must be the same. For example, if you are developing a ZIETrans rich client plug-in to run on an Eclipse environment that is running a 1.8 Java runtime environment (JRE), you must set the compiler compliance level of your workspace to 1.8. To do this, from the Eclipse menu bar, select Window > Preferences > Java > Compiler and set the Compiler compliance level to 1.8.

If you have other Java or plug-in projects in your workspace that require other compliance levels, you can set the compiler compliance level for individual Java or plug-in projects. To do this, right-click on the project and select Properties. In the Properties panel select Java Compiler on the left. Then select the Enable project specific settings box and set the Compiler compliance level to the appropriate level.

Note: The ZIETrans RCP Runtime Extension project,, must be at the same compiler compliance level as your ZIETrans rich client project. See ZIETrans RCP Runtime Extension project.