Applications view

The Applications view displays for the user all active ZIETrans rich client applications installed in the runtime environment. The view is sorted by application display name. By default, this view is displayed the first time the user opens the Host Access perspective. The user starts a new instance of a ZIETrans application by double-clicking the application in the Applications view, or by right-clicking on the application name and selecting Open.

After starting a new instance of a ZIETrans application, its transformation view is displayed. See Transformation view for more information. By default, the name of the newly opened transformation view is the name of the application. If more than one instance of the application is started, the name of the transformation view will be a combination of the name of the application plus a number indicating the instance of the session. For example, the title of the second instance of the application named Order Entry will be titled Order entry : 2.

By default, a user can launch multiple instances of the same application. You can modify the plugin.xml file to disallow launching multiple instances. Also, you can decide not to show the Applications view and instead control what views are available to the user. This can also restrict the number of instances of an application. .

If the application is running in the local test environment and if you have selected to see the display terminal, a display terminal window will be displayed when the connection is made to the system. The window will close when the session has ended, or if the client is shut down.