Create JSF Web pages

JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a framework for developing user interfaces (UI) for Web applications which run on a Java server. You can quickly build web applications by assembling reusable UI components in a page. Once you have created JSF Web pages, you can use tools such as the Rich Page Editor and the palette for modifications and editing.

In the ZIETrans Projects view, right click on the name of an Integration Object and select Create JSF Web Pages. Specify names for input and output pages as well as the destination, or accept the default names created from the Integration Object name. You can also Overwrite existing files by selecting the check box. Click Next after completing your selections.

When you create JSF Web pages, you define two pages: an input page, which gathers the data required by the Integration Object, and an output page, which presents the results after the Integration Object is run.

For the input page, you can define an input control for each input property. To change a control, select an input property and click Edit. You can add the leading text for the control and, where necessary, configure the selected control. Click Next.

For the output page, you select the output properties of the Integration Object that you want to display. To change a control, select an output property and click Edit. You can add the leading text for the control. Click Finish.

The pages you create go in the Web Content/JSF Pages folder in the ZIETrans Projects view. To edit a Web page and invoke the Rich Page Editor, double-click on the name of the page. To test your pages, right-click on the input page (or output page if there are no inputs) and select either Debug on Server or Run on Server.
