ZIETrans runtime extension plug-in

When you create a ZIETrans rich client plug-in project, a ZIETrans rich client runtime extension plug-in project is also created if one does not already exist in the workspace. This plug-in contains files and settings that are common between all ZIETrans rich client plug-ins running in an environment. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Trace and log settings
  • Generated trace and log files
  • Registration of key mappings
  • Registration of preference pages
  • Registration of properties pages
The default name and ID of this plug-in is com.ibm.hats.rcp.runtime.extension, and its initial version is 1.0.0.
Note: Do not change the ID of the ZIETrans RCP runtime extension plug-in. The ZIETrans runtime looks for a plug-in with this ID when it starts.

This plug-in is similar to a ZIETrans EAR project in that it contains files that are common between multiple ZIETrans applications. Unlike a ZIETrans EAR project, only one of these plug-ins can run in an Eclipse environment at one time. This means that trace settings, keyboard mappings, and so forth apply to the entire rich client environment and cannot be configured at the plug-in project level.

ZIETrans-specific files in the runtime extension plug-in lists and describes the files included in this plug-in.
Table 1. ZIETrans-specific files in the runtime extension plug-in
File or folder Description
images (folder) Contains images for the Applications and Print Jobs views, and an image for an Expeditor application.
Note: If an image is only used by a single ZIETrans application plug-in, for example, to include an image with a template, consider including it in the application plug-in rather than the runtime extension plug-in.
logs (folder) Contains ZIETrans trace and messages files.
product.xml Indicates the version of ZIETrans used to generate this plug-in project. This file is updated when service packs are applied.
runtime.properties ZIETrans runtime settings, including settings to enable tracing.
runtime-debug.properties Same settings as runtime.properties, but only used when an Eclipse runtime workbench is launched in debug mode.
Files in the runtime extension plug-in not specific to ZIETrans lists and describes the files included in this plug-in that are not specific to ZIETrans.
Table 2. Files in the runtime extension plug-in not specific to ZIETrans
File or Folder Description
build.properties Indicates which files should be packaged in the plug-in when it is exported from the development environment.
MANIFEST.MF Plug-in descriptor. Indicates ID, name, version of the plug-in, and plug-in dependencies.
plugin.xml Plug-in descriptor. Indicates the extensions contributed by this plug-in.
plugin_xx.properties Contains translated strings used by plugin.xml and MANIFEST.MF.
RCP runtime extensions lists the extensions contributed by the ZIETrans RCP runtime extension plug-in.
Table 3. RCP runtime extensions
Extension Point ID Description
org.eclipse.core.runtime.applications Registers the application class provided in the ZIETrans RCP runtime extension plug-in with the Eclipse platform. See Application classes for more information.
org.eclipse.core.runtime.products Defines a product that references the application registered with the org.eclipse.core.runtime.applications extension point. See Application classes for more information.
org.eclipse.ui.perspectives Registers the Host Access perspective class provided in the ZIETrans RCP runtime extension plug-in with the Eclipse platform..
org.eclipse.ui.views Registers the Applications and Print Jobs views with the Eclipse platform.
org.eclipse.ui.propertyPages Registers the application properties pages with the Eclipse platform. These pages are displayed when a user right-clicks on an application in the Applications view and selects Properties. You can prevent a page from being available to your users by removing or commenting out its declaration.
Note: The Connection Parameters Overrides page only appears if connection parameter overriding is enabled in your project. The Variables Override page only appears if global variable overriding is enabled in your project.
org.eclipse.ui.actionSets Registers the print action used to print what is being displayed on the transformation view.
org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages Registers the preferences pages provided by ZIETrans. Preferences are usually available by selecting File > Preferences or Window > Preferences (depending on the Eclipse environment). You can prevent a page from being available to your users by removing or commenting out its declaration. For example, to prevent a user from modifying trace or service settings, you can remove the declared extension for the Troubleshooting page.
org.eclipse.ui.contexts Registers the Host Access keyboard context. A context defines a group of related commands.
org.eclipse.ui.commands Registers commands for each of the available actions. A command represents a request from an end user that can be handled by an action.
org.eclipse.ui.bindings Registers the default keyboard shortcut for a specific command. You can change the default shortcut for a command by modifying the sequence attribute of the declaration. A user can override the shortcut for a command using the Keys preferences pages.
The key mappings are defined per scheme ID based on the intended runtime client. The schemeId for Eclipse RCP is: