Running EJB application clients in a clustered environment

To run an EJB application client in a clustered environment, there are two options:

  • To run the application client on a specific cluster member, follow the instructions in Running your application client, but modify DEFAULTSERVERNAME and SERVERPORTNUMBER as follows:
    • Set DEFAULTSERVERNAME to the host name of the cluster member where the EJB is to be run.
    • Set SERVERPORTNUMBER to the Bootstrap port of the cluster member where the EJB is to be run. The Bootstrap address is the combination of the Bootstrap Host and Bootstrap port, with a colon (:) between them. The Bootstrap port can be found by opening the WebSphere Administrative Console and look for Servers > Application servers > cluster-member-name > ports > BOOTSTRAP ADDRESS.
  • To run the application client on any available cluster member within the cluster, set up the environment to specify the appropriate JNDI naming configuration and parameters. Refer to the WebSphere Application Server Knowledge Center at IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment documentation and search for Using application clients for instructions on how to configure the environment.