<renderingItem> tag

The <renderingItem> tag is the enclosing tag for a specific rendering item.

The attributes of the <renderingItem> tag are:
The name of the rendering item used to coordinate component information with the transformation. The default setting is the name of the screen combination event.
The name of the captured screen used to create this rendering item.
The description entered when the rendering item was created.
Indicates whether this rendering item is enabled. Reflects the state of the check box on the Rendering page of Project Settings.
The last column of the host screen to which this rendering item should be applied. -1 means the rightmost column of the host screen.
The last row of the host screen to which this rendering item should be applied. -1 means the bottom row of the host screen.
The first column of the host screen to which this rendering item should be applied.
The first row of the host screen to which this rendering item should be applied.
The host component whose contents will be transformed. The attribute value is the full class name of the host component. There is no default value for this required attribute.
The widget into which the host component will be transformed.
The following tags are also included in each specific rendering item:
The <componentSettings> tag is the enclosing tag for any settings modified for the component for this rendering item. This tag has no attributes.
The <setting> tag is the enclosing tag for any settings modified for the component for this rendering item.
The attributes of the <setting> tag are:
Specifies the name of a customizable setting for the component. The available settings depend on the component.

See Component and widget descriptions and settings for descriptions of component settings.

Specifies the value of a customizable setting for the component. The default values vary depending on the setting.
The <widgetSettings> tag is the enclosing tag for any settings modified for the widget for this rendering item. This tag has no attributes.
The <setting> tag is the enclosing tag for any settings modified for the widget for this rendering item.
The attributes of the <setting> tag are:
Specifies the name of a customizable setting for the widget. The available settings depend on the widget.

See Component and widget descriptions and settings for descriptions of widget settings.

Specifies the value of a customizable setting for the widget. The default values vary depending on the setting.
The <textReplacements> tag is the enclosing tag for any text replacement specified for this rendering item. This tag has no attributes.
The <replace> tag specifies the text replacement values for this rendering item.
The attributes of the <replace> tag are:
Specifies whether the case of text replacement values must match before text replacement occurs. Valid values are true and false. The default is false.
Specifies the text you want to replace. The text on the from attribute must be enclosed in quotes.
Specifies the replacement string you want to insert in place of the value specified on the from attribute. The replacement string on the to attribute must be enclosed in quotes.
Specifies whether Java regular expression support is used as part of the text replacement algorithm. A regular expression is a pattern of characters that describes a set of strings. You can use regular expressions to find and modify occurrences of a pattern. Valid values are true and false. The default is false.
When replacing text with an image, specifies the path and name of the image you want to insert in place of the value specified on the from attribute. The path and name of the image on the toImage attribute must be enclosed in quotes.
When using a bidirectional code page, specifies whether the value specified on the from attribute is replaced on left-to-right screens. Valid values are true and false. The default is true.
When using a bidirectional code page, specifies whether the value specified on the from attribute is replaced on right-to-left screens. Valid values are true and false. The default is false.
When using a bidirectional code page, specifies whether the value specified on the from attribute is replaced when the section of the screen in which it appears has been reversed from the original direction of the page. Valid values are true and false. The default is false.
Note: Care should be taken when using text replacement. Text replacement with a disparate number of characters in the strings can cause changes in the HTML representation of the screen. Depending on the widget used for presenting a region of a screen, text on a line of the screen can be contracted, expanded, or forced to a new line.