<plugin> tag

The <plugin> tag identifies either a Network Security plug-in or a Credential Mapper plug-in, and encloses the tags for the plug-in's parameters. The attributes of the <plugin> tag are:
Specifies the Java class that contains the plug-in code.
Specifies the types of hosts for which the plug-in can map credentials, and is used by Web Express Logon to determine which plug-in will handle a request. Valid values are AuthType_All, AuthType_3270Host, AuthType_5250Host, and AuthType_VTHost. Multiple values can be used, separated by vertical bar (|). This attribute is valid only for a Credential Mapper plug-in, when the <plugin> tag is enclosed by the <cmplugins> tag.
Specifies the names of hosts for which the plug-in can map credentials, and is used by Web Express Logon to determine which plug-in will handle a request. The value of this attribute can contain one or more host addresses, with the vertical bar (|) to join multiple addresses, and the asterisk (*) as a wildcard at the beginning, end, or both, of a host address. This attribute is valid only for a Credential Mapper plug-in, when the <plugin> tag is enclosed by the <cmplugins> tag.