Application screen

An application screen is a meaningful arrangement of characters displayed on the host terminal by a host application. An example of an application screen is the OS/390® ISPF Primary Option Menu, which is displayed in A sample application screen, the OS/390 ISPF Primary Option Menu.

Figure 1. A sample application screen, the OS/390® ISPF Primary Option Menu
A sample application screen, the OS/390 ISPF Primary Option Menu
In A sample application screen, the OS/390 ISPF Primary Option Menu you can see that this application screen has menu selections displayed in a row across the top (Menu, Utilities, Compilers, Options, and so on), a title near the top (OS/390 Primary Option Menu), a list of options along the left side (0 through DAT), and an input field in which to type an option number or letter (Option ===>). When the user provides input, for example by typing a 3 (for Utilities) followed by the enter key, the ISPF application removes all these visible items from the host terminal and displays a different application screen.