Evaluate (If) action

The Evaluate (If) action provides the functions of an if-statement or of an if-else statement.

Specify in the Condition field the conditional expression that you want the macro runtime to evaluate. The conditional expression can contain logical operators and conditional operators and can contain terms that include arithmetic expressions, immediate values, variables, and calls to Java methods. For more information, see Conditional and logical operators and expressions.
If True
Click this tab and click Add to add actions to perform for the case if the Condition is true.
If False
Click this tab and click Add to add actions to perform for the case if the Condition is false.
You can Add, Edit, Remove, move Up, or move Down, actions to perform for each case.
Even if many actions are defined for the If True and If False conditions, only the Evaluate condition is listed as an action on the screen object on the macro canvas.

For more information see Conditional action (<if> element and <else> element).