Testing modes for rich client projects

Three different modes can be used for testing your rich client projects, Run, Debug, and Profile.

Use this mode to test ZIETrans rich client projects in a new Eclipse instance. In this mode you can modify and test the runtime settings, defined in the runtime.properties file, that are deployed to the runtime environment. Be aware that any changes made to the runtime settings while testing in this mode are retained and become effective when you deploy the ZIETrans application to a runtime environment.

To use this mode, in the ZIETrans Projects view right-click your project and select Run.

Same as Run and in addition enables you to:
  • use the display terminal to see host screens as they are navigated while testing your project
  • see debug messages in the Eclipse console
  • see changes you make to your project, for example changing the template or a transformation, without having to restart your application
  • modify and test runtime settings, defined in the runtime-debug.properties file, without modifying the settings, defined in the runtime.properties file, that are deployed to the runtime environment
  • step through Java code, such as ZIETrans business logic

To use this mode, in the ZIETrans Projects view right-click your project and select Debug.

Same as Run, and in addition enables you to locate the operations that require the most time, and identify actions that are repeated, to eliminate redundancy. You can use this function for performance analysis, helping you to get a better understanding of your application.

To use this mode, in the ZIETrans Projects view right-click your project and select Profile.