Viewing and printing segment layouts

You can view or print the layout for a segment by editing the layout.

  1. From the Template Specification panel, type an E in the Cmd field adjacent to the segment that you want to view, then press Enter.
    Note: Before you enter the E line command, you need to fill in all the Layout member fields. If you enter an E line command before you have filled in all of the Layout member fields, ZDT/IMS ignores the command and displays a member selection list for the first empty Layout member field.

    If the copybook member has only one layout Level 01 definition for this segment, the Template : Segment Layout panel is displayed.

    If the copybook member has more than one layout definition for this segment, the Template : Segment Layout Selection panel is displayed. Type an E in the Cmd field adjacent to the layout that you want to view, then press Enter. The Template : Segment Layout panel is displayed.

  2. You can use the FIND primary command to locate a string within the layout.
  3. To print the layout, issue the TPRINT (or TP) primary command.

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