VIEWIMS CALL (Load or create a view)

Figure 1. Syntax (to load an existing view or template)

2.1 VIEWDSN=viewdsn
2.1 VIEWDD=viewdd
2.1 TPLDSN=tpldsn
2.1 TPLDD=tpldd
2  )
Figure 2. Syntax (to create a new view from an existing template)
  • 1 If no layout parameter is specified, all layouts for inclsegm are selected.
  • 2 If only one incl_layout_ref or incl_layout_name is specified, the parentheses are not required.
  • 3 If no layout parameter is specified, then the selection criteria applies to the first layout for the segname segment.
  • 4 The old format of SAVE is still supported (SAVE DSN=savedsn or SAVE DDN=saveddn with, optionally, MBR=savembr).
If you specify the DESCRIBE parameter, then VIEWIMS prints a report showing the structure of the view or template for each segment in the database.
The name of the inclsegm segment layout to be selected in the view. You can obtain this by printing the view/template with the VIEWIMS DESCRIBE clause or browsing the view/template online.
The relative number of the layout within the inclsegm segment that is selected in the view. You can obtain this by printing the view/template with the VIEWIMS DESCRIBE clause.
The name of a segment to be included in the view.

If you call the GETIMS function with the USING_VIEW parameter, then only the segment that is included in the view is retrieved. If you omit the INCLUDE clause entirely, all segments are included in the view.

The name of the layout within the segname segment to which the selection criteria are to apply. This can be obtained by printing the view/template using the VIEWIMS clause or browsing the view/template online.
The relative number of the layout within a segment to which the selection criteria are to apply. This can be obtained by printing the view/template using the VIEWIMS DESCRIBE clause.
The DDNAME containing the data set into which the view is to be saved. If the data set is a PDS, you must also specify the SAVEMBR=savemem parameter.
The name of the data set into which the view is to be saved. If the data set is a PDS, you must also specify the MBR=savemem parameter.
The member of the PDS specified by the DSN, SAVEDSN, DDN, or SAVEDDN parameter into which the view is to be saved.
The name of a segment for which you want to specify field selection criteria.
Field selection criteria for the segname segment. Determines which segment occurrences are retrieved by calls to the GETIMS function with the USING_VIEW parameter.

For details on specifying field selection criteria, see Specifying field selection criteria.

The DDNAME containing the template data set that is used as a basis to create a view. The template for the DBD must have already been created online in ZDT/IMS.
The name of the data set containing the template that is used as a basis to create a view. The template for the DBD must have already been created on-line in ZDT/IMS.
The DDNAME containing one of the following:
  • The sequential data set containing the view.
  • The PDS containing the view. You then specify the member name in viewmem.
One of:
  • The name of the sequential data set containing the view.
  • The name of the PDS containing the view. (You then specify the member name in viewmem.)
The member name of the view.

IEB example using VIEWIMS

$$FILEM     PROC=*
               'INCLUDE  SEGMENT=SUBURB ',
               '         SEGMENT=LINKSTR ',
               'WHERE    SEGMENT=SUBURB substr(#2,1,1)=F ',
               '         SEGMENT=LINKSTR #4=ST ',