Starting ZDT/IMS

How you start ZDT/IMS depends on how it is installed on your system. Typically, ZDT/IMS is installed as an option on one of your ISPF menus, for example:

Figure 1. z/OS Primary Option menu showing ZDT/IMS option
   Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Options  Status  Help
                            z/OS Primary Option Menu

 0  Settings      Terminal and user parameters        User ID . : HFMUSER
 1  View          Display source data or listings     Time. . . : 13:50
 2  Edit          Create or change source data        Terminal. : 3278
 3  Utilities     Perform utility functions           Screen. . : 1
 4  Foreground    Interactive language processing     Language. : ENGLISH
 5  Batch         Submit job for language processing  Appl ID . : ISR
 6  Command       Enter TSO or Workstation commands   TSO logon : ISPF
 7  Dialog Test   Perform dialog testing              TSO prefix: HFMUSER
 9  IBM Products  IBM program development products    System ID : FMD2
 10 SCLM          SW Configuration Library Manager    MVS acct. : USER
 11 Workplace     ISPF Object/Action Workplace        Release . : ISPF 5.0
 12 z/OS System   z/OS system programmer applications
 13 z/OS User     z/OS user applications
 14 IBMGSA        IBMGSA Development and Service Apps
 S  SDSF          Spool Display and Search Facility
 Z  Z Data Tools  Z Data Tools
 ZI ZDT/IMS       Z Data Tools/IMS

 Option ===> ZI                                     

  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F7=Backward  F8=Forward   F9=Swap
 F10=Actions  F12=Cancel

To start ZDT/IMS:

  1. Select the ZDT/IMS option from the z/OS Primary Option Menu.

    When you start ZDT/IMS, the Primary Option Menu is shown, with a summary of the current version information displayed in a pop-up message box.

    Figure 2. Primary Option menu with version information
      Process   Options   Help
     ZDT/IMS                       Primary Option Menu
     0  Settings      Set processing options                 User ID . : HFMUSER
     1  Browse        Browse data                            System ID : FMD2
     2  Edit          Edit data                              Appl ID . : HFM1
     3  Utilities     Perform utility functions              Version . : 1.1.2
     4  Templates     Template/view/criteria set utilities   Terminal. : 3278
     X  Exit          Terminate ZDT/IMS                      Screen. . : 1
                                                             Date. . . : 2021/01/14
                                                             Time. . . : 11:24
    │HCL Z Data Tools Version 1 Release 1 Modification 2                   │
    │19OP1220 IMS Component                                                │
    │Licensed Materials - Property of IBM* and HCL**                       │
    │(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2017 - All Rights Reserved.             │
    │(C) Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2017, 2023 - All Rights Reserved. │
    │* Trademark of International Business Machines                        │
    │** Trademark of HCL Technologies Limited                              │
     Command ===>                                                                  
      F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F7=Backward  F8=Forward
      F9=Swap     F10=Actions  F12=Cancel                                           
  2. Press Enter to close the version window.

If ZDT/IMS is not an option on one of your ISPF menus, ask your system administrator to explain the startup process used at your site.

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