Detail Statistics Formatted

When the formatted report is printed, Z Data Tools uses the same template/view specified during the EDIT session. The first column on the report list the level and field name as it is displayed in the segment layout. The format is similar to the EDIT/VIEW sub-option.

The next two columns are the Before and After value. Depending on whether the "Print only Changed Fields" option was selected, either or both columns are used. If any field contains unprintable data all values are printed in hex format. The rightmost column is for informational messages:
  • "n OCCURS ADDED" is printed when the value of the object in a "occurs depending on" clause is increased in a COBOL segment layout. (COBOL only).
  • "n OCCURS DELETED" is printed when the value of the object in a "occurs depending on" clause is decreased in a COBOL segment layout. (COBOL only).
  • "FIELD INVALID" is printed if the value of the object printed do not conform with the layout format.

At the end of each segment the total segment length is printed.

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