Using the operator line

You use the operator line to specify an operator that ZDT/Db2 uses in conjunction with the filter pattern specified in the corresponding area on the filter line. You can specify operators for more than one column if necessary. Normally, you only specify an operator for a column where you have also specified a filter pattern.

To enter an operator in the operator line, type the required operator anywhere within the operator area for the required column. Processing occurs left to right. ZDT/Db2 only recognizes the first operator encountered and any other characters entered in the operator field are ignored. For example, if you type => in the operator field, ZDT/Db2 treats it as =, and ignores the >.

To remove an operator, overtype the operator with a space.

You can use any of the following operators:
Means like. Any *, %, or _ characters in the corresponding filter pattern are treated as special characters. A match occurs if the filter pattern matches the data after considering any special characters.
! (or) ¬
Means not like. Any *, %, or _ characters in the corresponding filter pattern are treated as special characters. A match occurs if the filter pattern does not match the data after considering any special characters.
Means equals. For numeric data types, special characters in the corresponding filter pattern are not allowed. For non-numeric data types, *, %, and _ characters are allowed but are not treated as special characters. *, %, and _ characters match themselves only.
!=, ¬=, (or) <>
Means not equals. For numeric data types, special characters in the corresponding filter pattern are not allowed. For non-numeric data types, *, %, and _ characters are allowed but are not treated as special characters. *, %, and _ characters match themselves only.
Means less than. For numeric data types, special characters in the corresponding filter pattern are not allowed. For non-numeric data types, *, %, and _ characters are allowed but are not treated as special characters. *, %, and _ characters match themselves only.
<=, !>, (or) ¬>
Means less than or equal to. For numeric data types, special characters in the corresponding filter pattern are not allowed. For non-numeric data types, *, %, and _ characters are allowed but are not treated as special characters. *, %, and _ characters match themselves only.
>=, !<, (or) ¬<
Means greater than or equal to. For numeric data types, special characters in the corresponding filter pattern are not allowed. For non-numeric data types, *, %, and _ characters are allowed but are not treated as special characters. *, %, and _ characters match themselves only.
Means greater than. For numeric data types, special characters in the corresponding filter pattern are not allowed. For non-numeric data types, *, %, and _ characters are allowed but are not treated as special characters. *, %, and _ characters match themselves only.
You can also enter the following commands in the operator field for a column:
Excludes the column from the data display. The effect is the same as editing the template and de-selecting the column, followed by a re-display of the data.
Resets the display width for the column to the maximum value for the column. The command is only effective when entered against a column that has a non-numeric data type.
Sets the display width for the column to nnn (nnn must be an integer between 6 and the maximum possible display width for the column). The command is only effective when entered against a column that has a non-numeric data type.

When you specify an operator for a column, ZDT/Db2 first applies the operator to the corresponding filter pattern and then only selects objects where the contents of that column match the resultant filter pattern.

The following examples show how you can use operators, in conjunction with filter patterns, to limit the data ZDT/Db2 displays.
Pattern filter (operator)
Selects objects where column…
ABC* (blank)
Contains any alphanumeric string starting with ABC
ABC* (=)
Contains the string ABC*
ABC* (¬)
Does not contain the string ABC*
A (>)
Contains an alphanumeric string whose first character is greater than A
A_C (¬>)
Contains an alphanumeric string whose first three characters are less than or equal to the string A_C
123 (=)
For numeric columns: contains the value 123
23 (<)
For numeric columns: contains a value less than 23
Let's take an example. Layout of a typical object list panel shows a list of database object types. To limit the columns displayed to those where:
  • The database creator is SHRIKES
  • The storage group name starts with the letter K
  • The internal database identifier is greater than 264
Enter the following filter patterns and operators:
  1. Under the column heading DATABASE CREATOR, type SHRIKES on the filter line.
  2. Under the column heading STORAGE GROUP NAME, type K* on the filter line.
  3. Under the column heading INTERNAL DATABASE IDENTIFIER, type 264 on the filter line and type > on the operator line.
    Figure 1. Object list: databases
      Process   Options   Utilities   Help
     ZDT/Db2 (DFG2)                     Databases
     Location:                                                          Format TABL
                              STORAGE     BUFFER     INTERNAL AUTHID
            *        SHRIKES  K*          *               264 *        *
     ----   #1--+--- #2--+--- #3--+----1- #4--+---     ---- > #7--+--- #20-+---
     ****  Top of data  ****
            ABC      SHRIKE2  DDDDDDDDDDD BP0             270 SHRIKE2
            DSN8D81A CJUNELL  DSN8G810    BP0             259 CJUNELL
            DSN8D81P CJUNELL  DSN8G810    BP0             260 CJUNELL
            DSNATPDB CJUNELL  SYSDEFLT    BP0             257 CJUNELL
            DSNDB04  SYSIBM   SYSDEFLT    BP0               4 SYSIBM
            DSNDB06  SYSIBM                                 6 SYSIBM
            DSNDB07  CJUNELL  SYSDEFLT    BP0               7 CJUNELL  WORKFILE
            DSNRGFDB CJUNELL  SYSDEFLT    BP0             258 CJUNELL
            DSNRLST  CJUNELL  SYSDEFLT    BP0             256 CJUNELL
            JLV3D81A SHRIKES  JLV3G810    BP0             266 SHRIKES
            JLV3D81P SHRIKES  JLV3G810    BP0             267 SHRIKES
            JOHND81P SHRIKES  JOHNG810    BP0             265 SHRIKES
            KPS8D81A SHRIKES  KPS8G810    BP0             268 SHRIKES
            KPS8D81P SHRIKES  KPS8G810    BP0             269 SHRIKES
            KPSAD81A SHRIKES  KPSAG810    BP0             262 SHRIKES
            KPSAD81P SHRIKES  KPSAG810    BP0             263 SHRIKES
            RFM0133  SHRIKES  SYSDEFLT    BP0             261 SHRIKES
     ****  End of data  ****
     Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE
      F1=Help      F2=Zoom      F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F5=RFind     F6=RChange
      F7=Up        F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel
  4. Press Enter. A list of database object types is displayed, restricted to the search criteria you specified:
    Figure 2. Object List: databases (list restricted using filter patterns and operators)
      Process   Options   Utilities   Help
     ZDT/Db2 (DFG2)                     Databases
     Location:                                                          Format TABL
                              STORAGE     BUFFER     INTERNAL AUTHID
            *        SHRIKES  K*          *               264 *        *       
     ----   #1--+--- #2--+--- #3--+----1- #4--+---     >---#5 #7--+--- #20-+---
     ****  Top of data  ****
            KPS8D81A SHRIKES  KPS8G810    BP0             268 SHRIKES
            KPS8D81P SHRIKES  KPS8G810    BP0             269 SHRIKES
     ****  End of data  ****
     Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE
      F1=Help      F2=Zoom      F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F5=RFind     F6=RChange
      F7=Up        F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel