Tables, Views and Aliases panel

You use the Tables, Views and Aliases panel to list table, view, and alias object types in the Db2® catalog.

Panel and field definitions

The columns that are displayed include the SEL field and columns of SYSIBM.SYSTABLES.

  Process   Options   Utilities   Help
 ZDT/Db2 (DFG2)             Tables, Views and Aliases                 44 of 1000
 Location:                                                          Format TABL

        TABLE            TABLE                          DATABASE OBJECT       + 
 SEL    OWNER            NAME                           NAME     TYPE         + 
        *                *                              *        *                           
 ----   #2--+----1----+- #1--+----1----+----2----+----- #4--+--- #61-+----1---- 
        DMYAPP           TABLES                         DSNDB06  View           
        DMYAPP           TABLESPACE                     DSNDB06  View           
        DMYAPP           VIEWS                          DSNDB06  View           
        DSB81010         EMP_COPY                       DSN00245 Table          
        DSN81010         ACT                            DSN8D10A Table          
        DSN81010         CATALOG                        DSN8D10X Table          
        DSN81010         CUSTOMER                       DSN8D10X Table          
        DSN81010         DEPT                           DSN8D10A Table          
        DSN81010         EACT                           DSN8D10A Table          
        DSN81010         EDEPT                          DSN8D10A Table          
        DSN81010         EEMP                           DSN8D10A Table          
 Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE
  F1=Help      F2=Zoom      F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F5=RFind     F6=RChange
  F7=Up        F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel
  1. The system option, Show all catalog table columns, affects which columns ZDT/Db2 displays when you use the Object List utility.
  2. You can also customize which columns ZDT/Db2 displays when you use the Object List utility. For details, see the Z Data Tools Customization Guide.

To view other columns on this panel, press the Right function key (F11).

For a complete list of columns, refer to Db2® catalog tables in the DB2 for z/OS SQL Reference relevant to your version of Db2®.

Line command area.
For a list of the line commands you can use on this panel, see Object list line commands.

Parent panels

This panel appears when you specify the T line command against an object displayed in a list of Db2® objects.

Child panels

To display this panel… Use/do this
Alter Table panel Line command A
Alter Table - ADD CHECK Constraint panel Line command ADD
Tables, Views and Aliases panel Line command ALS
Tables, Views and Aliases panel Line command AT
Db2 Browse panel Line command B
Tables, Views and Aliases panel Line command BT
Copy Utility ("From") panel Line command C
Column Distribution panel Line command CDI
Tables, Views and Aliases panel Line command CH
Children of Table panel Line command CHR
Table Check Constraints panel Line command CK
Columns in Table panel Line command COL
See Comment panels Line command COM
Create Table panel Line command CR
Create Alias panel Line command CRA
Create Index panel Line command CRX
Columns in Table panel Line command CS
Databases panel Line command D
See Drop panels Line command DR
Db2 Edit panel Line command E
Foreign Keys for Table panel Line command FK
Grant privileges panels Line command G
Generate SQL From Db2 Catalog panel Line command GEN
Details panels Line command I
Label Table panel Line command LAB
Privileges panels Line command P
Tables, Views and Aliases panel Line command PA
Parents of Table panel Line command PAR
Primary Key for Table panel Line command PK
Application Packages panel Line command PKG
Application Plans panel Line command PL
Print Utility panel Line command PR
Revoke privileges panels Line command R
Display Row panel Line command ROW
Table Spaces panel Line command S
Basic SELECT Prototyping panel Line command SEL
Synonyms panel Line command SYN
Tables, Views and Aliases panel Line command T
Db2 Utilities panel Line command UTL
Db2 View panel Line command V
Create View Source Statements panel Line command VS
Indexes panel Line command X
Indexes and Columns for panel Line command XC
Sort Fields panel Primary command SORT

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Related references