Restricting the rows to view with the "Start position" entry field

In some situations, the rows of interest may be located together in the table, but not necessarily at the beginning. In this case, if you know the approximate starting row number, you can specify a start position value in the Start position entry field. ZDT/Db2 skips rows until the specified start position and then loads rows from that point.

In "normal mode", the Row count value applies from the starting row, not the beginning of the table. Once the rows have been loaded you cannot scroll up to see the skipped rows.

In "large mode", ZDT/Db2 loads rows from the start position until the limits discussed in Specifying the editor session mode: "normal mode" or "large mode" are reached. In "large mode", you can scroll up from the start position to the first row of the table if required.

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