Editing the template for the "From" table

If you select the Edit template option on the Copy Utility From panel, ZDT/Db2 displays the Column Selection/Edit panel (Primary Column Selection/Edit panel). You can use this panel to restrict the data in the From table that you want copied by:
  • Selecting (or deselecting) specific columns for copying.
  • Specifying row selection criteria. Only rows whose contents satisfy the criteria are selected for copying.
For example, the template shown in Primary Column Selection/Edit panel has been edited to select certain columns and only rows whose contents meet certain criteria. If you use this template as the From template for your Copy, the data copied is restricted to columns where WORKDEPT contains MNT and JOB contains PAINTER.
Figure 1. Primary Column Selection/Edit panel
   Process   Options   Utilities   Help
 ZDT/Db2 (DFG2)              Column Selection/Edit                 Line 1 of 16
 ------- Row Selection Criteria ---- (Use SQL/PF4 for full screen edit) -------
 1 Sel: WHERE WORKDEPT = 'MNT' AND JOB = 'PAINTER'                            +

 Cmd Seq SHEX CL# Column name          Data type(length)  Null Default  Order A/D
                  ****  Top of data  ****
         S      1 EMPNO                CHARACTER(6)            None             
         S      2 FIRSTNME             VARCHAR(12)             None             
         S      3 MIDINIT              CHARACTER(1)            None             
         S      4 LASTNAME             VARCHAR(15)             None             
         S      5 WORKDEPT             CHARACTER(3)        Y   Null             
         S      6 PHONENO              CHARACTER(4)        Y   Null             
         S      7 HIREDATE             DATE                Y   Null             
         S      8 JOB                  CHARACTER(8)        Y   Null             
         S      9 EDLEVEL              SMALLINT            Y   Null             
         S     10 SEX                  CHARACTER(1)        Y   Null             
         S     11 BIRTHDATE            DATE                Y   Null             
         S     12 SALARY               DECIMAL(9,2)        Y   Null             
  Command ===> _____________________________________________________ Scroll PAGE
   F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=SQL       F5=RFind     F6=RunTemp
   F7=Up        F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel

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