Step 2. Start ZDT/IMS

If you have added an option for ZDT/IMS to your ISPF Primary Options menu (see Adding ZDT/IMS to your ISPF menu), enter the option value you have assigned to ZDT/IMS and press Enter. For example, if you have assigned ZI to ZDT/IMS, enter ZI and press Enter.

If you defined ZDT/IMS in an ISPF command table (see Defining ZDT/IMS in an ISPF command table) verify that ZDT/IMS can be started by entering the command ZI on any ISPF command line.

The ZDT/IMS Primary Option Menu should be displayed.

Figure 1. Primary Option Menu
 Process   Options   Help
ZDT/IMS                       Primary Option Menu

0  Settings      Set processing options                 User ID . : PERTHWA
1  Browse        Browse data                            System ID : FMD2
2  Edit          Edit data                              Appl ID . : HFM1
3  Utilities     Perform utility functions              Version . : 1.1.2
4  Templates     Template/view/criteria set utilities   Terminal. : 3278
X  Exit          Terminate ZDT/IMS                      Screen. . : 1
                                                        Date. . . : 2023/01/03
                                                        Time. . . : 16:25
Command ===>                                                                  
Note: The first time you use ZDT/IMS, a Copyright panel is displayed. After reading the panel text, press Enter. In subsequent ZDT/IMS sessions, this panel will not automatically appear.
Enter VER on the command line to display the release level and PTF level of ZDT/IMS. A panel is displayed, similar to this:
HCL Z Data Tools Version 1 Release 1 Modification 2
IMS Component
(not APF authorized)

Service Levels of installed components

             Base       IMS        Db2        CICS
English      -NONE-     -NONE-     -NONE-     -NONE-
  1. This will always show ZDT/IMS as not APF authorized, even if you have made Z Data Tools APF-authorized, as Z Data Tools cannot run APF-authorized under ISPF.
  2. When you first install Z Data Tools, -NONE- will be shown against each component. Subsequently, when you have applied service to Z Data Tools, a PTF number will be shown, indicating the PTF level of each component. If you have not installed a component, that component will not be shown at all. If you have installed the Japanese language components of ZDT/IMS, another line will be displayed indicating the service level of that component.