Modifying the Japanese translation tables

The Z Data Tools Japanese component provides translation tables for display and print that are used by Z Data Tools when the Japanese language is selected. You can change these Japanese translation tables if necessary. You use the usermod HFMUMODJ and the member HFMTRJPN to change the Japanese translation tables. HFMUMODJ and HFMTRJPN are distributed in HFM.SHFMSAM1.

To do this:

  1. Copy the member HFMTRJPN from HFM.SHFMSAM1 to your own source library.
  2. Change the translation table definition statements in the HFMTRJPN source member in your library, according to your requirements.

    Z Data Tools provides support under ISPF for command verbs and command keywords entered in lower or uppercase as long as they are valid SBCS-only strings, and the a - z codepoints in the host codepage used correspond to the standard EBCDIC a-z codepoints. If this is not the case, and you want to be able to enter lower or mixed case command verbs and command keywords, then you will need to modify the TRUPC translation table in HFMTRJPN, to specify the uppercase A - Z EBCDIC codepoints at locations corresponding to the a - z codepoints in the codepage used.

  3. Modify the HFMUMODJ member in HFM.SHFMSAM1 to meet your site's requirements. Refer to the usermod for information about changes you might need to make.
  4. Install SMP/E usermod HFMUMODJ.
Note: Under ISPF, to enable user DBCS data to be displayed or edited, the terminal type must be set to 3277KN or 3278KN, using ISPF option 0.