Preparing Z Data Tools to run with LIBDEFs

Copy the member HFMELIBD from hlq.SHFMSAM1 to a library that is available in the SYSPROC DD statement for your TSO/ISPF users. Modify the exec as follows.

hlq = 'HFM'
Specifying this will result in names in the form hlq.SHFMxxxx if sfx = ''
optl = ''
Specify a value if there is a separate installation options library.
sfx = ''
Specifying this will result in names in the form hlq.SHFMxxxx.sfx
hlq2 = ''
LIBDEF fixtest library first in the form hlq2.SHFMxxxx
sfx2 = ''
LIBDEF fixtest library first in the form hlq2.SHFMxxxx.sfx2
CICS parameters
Specify the data set that contains the CICSVTAM applids and descriptions required to support generic queries. If this data set is already allocated to a TSO procedure or as part of a logon command, then it need not be specified here.
If the EXCI load library is not available to ISPF applications, then specify the cicshlq.SDFHEXCI data set name here.
WebSphere® MQ load libraries
If the SCSQANLE, SCSQAUTH, and SCSQLOAD are not available to the ISPF session then specify the corresponding data set names using the following parameters:
  • SCSQAUTH = ' '
  • SCSQANLE = ' '
  • SCSQLOAD = ' '
  1. For a standard installation you will only need to set hlq = to the installation value. Specify optl = data set name if you have customized versions of the installation options module in a different library to hlq.SHFMMOD1.
  2. hlq2 and sfx2 are there to support BETA library testing.