2.1 dsname

1 DBDLIBn=dsname
Where n is a number in the range 1 to 6, specifies the names of the load libraries that contain the database definitions (DBDs) that ZDT/IMS and IMS are to use.

The specified data sets are used when the ACBs are managed by your installation (ACBMGMT=ACBLIB).

These parameters are optional. But if you specify a DBDLIB parameter, you must also specify the DBDLIB parameters that precede it. So, for example, if you specify the DBDLIB3 parameter, you must also specify the DBDLIB1 parameter and the DBDLIB2 parameter.

If no DBDLIB parameters are specified on the HFM1POPI macro statement, ZDT/IMS uses the DBDLIB values on the HFM1POPD macro statement (if specified), otherwise it uses IMS.DBDLIB.

If you do not want the user to override the values you specify for these parameters, set UDBDLIB=N.

Note: The DBDLIBn data sets are not required when IMS management of ACBs is enabled (ACBMGMT=CATALOG), as ZDT/IMS and IMS get the DBDs from the IMS catalog that the subsystem uses.