ZDT/Db2 audit data items

Data items that appear in ZDT/Db2 audit log records shows the data items that appear in ZDT/Db2 audit log records.

Table 1. Data items that appear in ZDT/Db2 audit log records
Data item identifier Description Usual length
14 Input/Output indicator 1
21 Template data set member name 10
22 Template type (input or output) 1
101 Template fd99 segment 36
102 Template Variable
2003 Current server 16
2004 Current SQLID 8
2005 Connection type 5
2011 Object location 16
2012 Object database 8
2013 Object table space 8
2014 Object owner 8
2015 Object name 128
2031 Type of Db2® row 1
2032 Db2® row (data) Variable
2041 Row count (in) 4
2042 Row count editor 4
2043 Row count (out) 4
2051 SQL Stmt type 3
2052 SQL Reason code 4
2053 Affected row count 4
2071 Db2® Object type (for DDL statements) 3
2072 Db2® Privilege type (for Grant/Revoke statements) 3
2501 SQL statement Varies
2502 Db2® command Varies