Customizing when DFSORT is the primary sort product

If you use DFSORT as your primary product, you will have installed it in one of the following ways:
  • Resident: The DFSORT library, SORTLPA, is in LPALST, and the DFSORT library, SICELINK, is in LINKLIST.
  • Non-Resident: The DFSORT libraries SICELINK and SORTLPA are private libraries.
  1. If you have installed DFSORT resident, you need take no further action to make DFSORT available to Z Data Tools.
  2. If DFSORT is installed non-resident, you will need to take different actions to enable Z Data Tools to use DFSORT under ISPF and in batch.
    Under ISPF (interactively)
    To enable Z Data Tools to use DFSORT under ISPF, add the DFSORT libraries, SICELINK and SORTLPA, in that order, to the STEPLIB DD statement in your TSO logon procedure. (If you do not want to add these libraries to your TSO logon procedure, you can add them via the TSOLIB command, before invoking ISPF.)
    In batch
    To enable Z Data Tools to use DFSORT in batch, add the DFSORT libraries, SICELINK and SORTLPA, in that order, to the JOBLIB or STEPLIB DD statement for the job or step that uses Z Data Tools. You might want to create a Z Data Tools JCL procedure for use at your site.

    You could also add the DFSORT libraries to the STEPLIB DD statement in the batch JCL skeleton. If you do this, you must add them in the order SICELINK, SORTLPA. For more information about the batch JCL skeleton, see Changing the JCL skeleton for batch mode.