Checklist for installing and customizing ZDT/IMS

Table 1. Summary of steps for customizing ZDT/IMS and the operating environment
__ 1 Concatenate ZDT/IMS libraries to the LINKLIST. See Concatenating libraries to the LINKLIST.
__ 2 Modify the TSO logon procedure See Modifying the TSO logon procedure.
__ 3 Add ZDT/IMS to the ISPF menu. See Adding ZDT/IMS to your ISPF menu.
__ 4 Define ZDT/IMS in an ISPF command table. See Defining ZDT/IMS in an ISPF command table.
__ 5 Customize IMS to support the use of dynamic PSBs in BMP mode. See Customizing IMS to support the use of dynamic PSBs.
__ 6 Customize the ZDT/IMS installation options module See Customizing the ZDT/IMS installation options module.
__ 7 Tailor the job control skeletons. See Tailoring the job control skeletons.
__ 8 Customize the ZDT/IMS security exit, HFM1SXT. See Customizing the ZDT/IMS security exit.
__ 9 Provide access to protected functions using RACF®. See IMS subsystems and ZDT/IMS functions access control facility.
__ 10 Decide how to customize the ZDT/IMS audit facility. See Alternatives for controlling ZDT/IMS auditing.
__ 11 Customize ZDT/IMS for national languages. See Customizing ZDT/IMS for national languages.