Planning for running Z Data Tools with or without APF-authorization

Z Data Tools can be run in batch mode with or without APF-authorization. Z Data Tools cannot run APF-authorized under ISPF.

There are a number of reasons why you might want to run Z Data Tools APF-authorized in batch mode:
  • Users can be permitted to use disk fullpack processing. For more information, see Controlling fullpack access to DASD volumes.
  • Users can be permitted to use bypass label processing (BLP), even if the system does not support BLP. For more information, see Controlling Bypass Label Processing (BLP).
  • Users can perform catalog actions that require APF-authorization, as described in z/OS DFSMS Access Method Services for Catalogs.

If you plan to use SMF to record audit trail information for the Z Data Tools Base function, or for the Db2® or IMS components, you must make Z Data Tools (or at least the module HFMSMF) APF-authorized. See Using System Management Facilities (SMF) for audit logging for more information.

If you plan to run Z Data Tools APF-authorized in batch mode, and you want to run Z Data Tools batch jobs using COBOL copybook templates, then you MUST also authorize the COBOL compiler library.

If you are accessing data in an LMS without a SUBSYS interface, or you are using HFMCRAEX to access data in an LMS, then you cannot run Z Data Tools APF-authorized.