Changing the print and display translation tables

By default, Z Data Tools translates unprintable characters in printed output to blanks (option PRTTRANS=ON), and non-displayable characters in displayed output to periods.

Z Data Tools provides default translation tables for English (HFMTRTBS), German (HFMTRDEU), and Japanese (HFMTRJPN).

For other languages you will need to provide and maintain your own print translation table and display translation table. See Customizing Z Data Tools for national languages for information on customizing Z Data Tools for your language.

Sometimes you might want to display special characters on a terminal during a Z Data Tools session, or print Z Data Tools output in lowercase alphanumeric characters. To do this, you change the English translation table source member, HFM.SHFMSAM1(HFMTRTBS).

The translate tables that are used are:
used to translate unprintable characters to blanks in printed output. Change this table to include all the characters that you want to print.
used to translate non-displayable characters to periods in displayed output. Change this table to include all the characters that you want to display on your terminal.
used to translate lower case characters to uppercase characters for Z Data Tools command verbs and command keywords only. This table generally does not need to be customized in an SBCS environment.
used to translate lower case characters to uppercase characters.
used as a second-step translate table to translate characters that are not supported by your particular display terminal. Display data is first translated using the TRBRW table, and the result of that translate is translated using this table. You should not need to change this table.