Working with scrollable display fields

Some Z Data Tools panels show data displayed in scrollable fields. Z Data Tools uses such fields where the length of the field containing the data to be displayed is longer than the field displayed on the panel.

You can recognise a scrollable field (and where more data exists than can be shown at one time on the panel) by the presence of one of the following adjacent to the end of the display field:
Plus sign. Indicates the field is scrollable to the right
Minus sign. Indicates the field is scrollable to the left
Plus sign and minus sign. Indicates the field is scrollable to the right or left
Note: The "+", "-", and "+-" signs are only shown adjacent to the end of a scrollable display field when the data to be displayed is longer than the length of the display field on the panel.
If the data to be displayed is longer than the length of the display field on the panel, you can view the rest of the data by either:
  • Progressively scrolling to the right by pressing the Right function key (F11) or by entering the RIGHT primary command (with the cursor positioned within the display field), or
  • Pressing the Expand function key (F4) or entering the EXPAND primary command to display a window that allows you to view the entire contents of the field.

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