Selecting and deselecting fields

You can change the display of a record type to show selected fields only, for display and printing purposes. If you select fields, then only those fields are displayed or printed. If you do not select fields, then Z Data Tools displays or prints all fields.

To select or deselect individual fields:

  1. Edit your copybook or dynamic template in the Field Selection/Edit panel.
  2. In the Cmd field adjacent to the field to be selected, type S and press Enter.

    The SHE column displays an “S” and the line becomes highlighted. For example, in Field Selection/Edit showing selected fields, the REC-TYPE and NAME fields are selected.

    Figure 1. Field Selection/Edit showing selected fields
     Z Data Tools                 Field Selection/Edit
     1 Specify Record Identification by field.
     2 Specify Record Selection      by field.
     Cmd Seq SHE Ref Rdf Field Name                              Type  Start Length
                         ****  Top of data  ****
     ___ ___       1     1 REC-TYPE01                              AN      1     80
     ___ ___ S     2      2 REC-TYPE                               AN      1      2
     ___ ___ S     3      2 NAME                                   AN      3     20
     ___ ___       4      2 EMPLOYEE-NO                            BI     23      2
     ---------------------- Record Identification Criteria -------------------------
  3. To remove the selection status, type the S command in the Cmd field adjacent to a selected field. If you remove the selection status from all fields in the record type, Z Data Tools reverts to its default behavior, which is to display or print all fields.

You can toggle between selecting and deselecting more than one line at a time by entering one of the following selection commands:

Selects and deselects a block of lines.

Enter SS twice: first in the Cmd field at the start of the block you want to select or deselect, and second, at the end of the block. Z Data Tools toggles the selection status of each line in the selected block.

Selects and deselects n lines.

Enter Sn in the Cmd field of the first line you want to select or deselect. Z Data Tools toggles the selection status of each line, starting from the first line selected for n lines.

Selects and deselects a block of lines, starting from the first line selected and then all subsequent lines.

Enter S* in the Cmd field of the first line you want to select or deselect. Z Data Tools toggles the selection status of each line, starting from the first line selected to the last line.

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