Checking your Z Data Tools version

To display the full version information for Z Data Tools, enter VER on the Command line of any panel. The current Z Data Tools version number and the PTF number for each Z Data Tools component is displayed in a window.

As Z Data Tools is an ISPF application and ISPF applications are typically not capable of running in an authorized state, Z Data Tools will not (unless specific ISPF customization has occurred) be authorized under ISPF. However, Z Data Tools may run in an authorized state when used in a batch job.

Figure 1. Z Data Tools Primary Option Menu panel with example PTF information
  Process   Options   Help
 Z Data Tools                 Primary Option Menu

 │                                                                             │
 │ HCL Z Data Tools Version 1 Release 1 Modification 2                         │
 │                                                                             │
 │ (not APF authorized)                                                        │
 │                                                                             │
 │ Service Levels of installed components                                      │
 │                                                                             │
 │              Base       IMS        Db2        CICS                          │
 │ English      xxxxxxx    xxxxxxx    xxxxxxx    xxxxxxx                       │
 │ Japanese     xxxxxxx    xxxxxxx    xxxxxxx    xxxxxxx                       │
 │                                                                             │
 │                                                                             │
 │                                                                             │
 │                                                                             │
 │                                                                             │
 │  F1=Help     F2=Split    F3=Exit     F9=Swap    F12=Cancel                  │

An alternative way to display version information is to select Help > 6. About from the Action Bar on any panel. The current Z Data Tools version number and the PTF number of the Z Data Tools Base component is displayed. The window also shows the copyright information and any notes that are shipped with the product.

  Process   Options   Help
 Z Data Tools                 Primary Option Menu

 0  Settings      Set processing options                 User ID . : USERID
 1  View          View data                              System ID : MVS8
 2 ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
 3 │                                                                           │
 4 │  HCL Z Data Tools          Version 1 Release 1 Modification 2             │
 5 │  PTF level: xxxxxxx                                                       │
 6 │                                                                           │
 7 │  xxxx-xxx                                                                 │
 8 │    (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1986, 2017 - All rights reserved.        │
 9 │    (C) Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 - All rights reserved.  │
 1 │    Note to US Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted     │
 1 │    rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions    │
 X │    set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.                  │
   │                                                                           │
   │  F1=Help     F2=Split    F3=Exit     F9=Swap    F12=Cancel                │

 Command ===> ABOUT
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F7=Backward  F8=Forward
  F9=Swap     F10=Actions  F12=Cancel

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