Build Toolkit plug-in properties for Db2® resources

This topic describes the properties expected by the Z Data Tools Build Toolkit plug-in for Db2® data resources.

Property Importance Description
name Required The name of the service. Must be unique across SAR files.
description Optional The description of the service. Recommended to help manage SAR files.
version Required The version of the service.
provider Required Must be zdatatools.
ssid Required The Db2® subsystem identifier.
owner Required The name of the Db2® data resource owner.
tableName Required The name of the Db2® data resource.
dataCcsid Optional CCSID of resource alphanumeric data. Default is 037.
dbcsCcsid Optional CCSID of graphic or double-byte data. Default is 930.
templateName Optional Name of a Z Data Tools/Db2 template that maps the Db2® data resource. Example: MVS.DATASET(DB2TMPL).
tmplCcsid Optional CCSID of the template. Default is 037.
timeout Optional Time in seconds for which the ZDT/Db2 session can be inactive before it is terminated. Can be any value from 0 to 28800 (eight hours). The default is 300 (5 minutes).

If the value is greater than the max_timeout in the server.xml configuration, the timeout value is ignored and the max_timeout value is used instead.

connid Optional Connection ID. Associates the generated SAR file with a configuration element in the server.xml of the z/OS® Connect WLP server. Default is default.
host Required The hostname or IP address of the ZCC server (HFISRV) where the ZDT/Db2 template resides. The host property is only relevant during SAR creation.
port Required The hostname or IP address of the ZCC server (HFISRV) where the ZDT/Db2 template resides. The host property is only relevant during SAR creation.
userid Required A user ID that has read access to the ZDT/Db2 template on the z/OS system running the HFISRV server. The userid property is only relevant during SAR creation.
passwd Required A password of the user ID that has read access to the ZDT/Db2 template on the z/OS® system running the HFISRV server. The passwd property is only relevant during SAR creation.