Mapping group items

In addition to mapping elementary items (as shown in the above example, between the SERIAL-NO and EMPLOYEE-NO fields), you can also map group items (that contain elementary items). If you choose to map a group item in the “From” template without mapping its subsidiary elementary items, then data in the “From” group item is treated as a single alphanumeric field. If you map the “Old” group item to a “To” group item without mapping its subsidiary elementary items, then the data is copied to the output data set (unchanged) or is compared, without regard for any data type differences between the elementary fields in the mapped group items.

If you do want to map the elementary items in a “From” group item with the elementary items in a “To” group item then, before selecting the “From” group item on the From Field Mapping panel, type Y in the Corresponding (Y/N) field. This instructs Z Data Tools to automatically map subsidiary items with the same name in the “From” and “To” group items. (This is just a quick way to set up the mapping for these items; after Z Data Tools has set up these mappings, you can edit them—delete the mapping, or map to a different item—as if you had manually set up the mapping.)