Copying data to a clipboard (CUT)

Use the CUT primary command to move or copy one or more records from the current edit session into a clipboard for later retrieval by the PASTE command.

To specify the records to be put into the clipboard, use:
  • Prefix commands C or CC to copy records.
  • Prefix commands M or MM to move (copy, then delete) records.
  • A range of line labels to copy records. For example:
    CUT .ZF .ZL

If you do not specify a range, all edit session data is copied to the clipboard.

You can use the X or NX operands to copy only excluded or non-excluded data within the range to the clipboard. The default is both excluded and non-excluded data.

Suppressed and not-selected sets are not copied to the clipboard. To include the data referenced by those sets, first expose the sets by issuing the appropriate SHOW command.

To replace the contents of the clipboard, use the REPLACE operand. This is the default.

To add to the existing contents of the clipboard, use the APPEND operand.

To copy only excluded or unexcluded records to the clipboard, use the X or NX operand.

If you do not specify a clipboard name on the command, Z Data Tools saves the data to the clipboard, DEFAULT.

When running under ISPF, clipboards created by Z Data Tools can be accessed by ISPF. Similarly, when running Z Data Tools, clipboards created when running under ISPF can be accessed by Z Data Tools.

To view or edit an existing clipboard, issue the command CUT DISPLAY to display the Clipboard Manager panel. This panel lists all the current clipboards.