Using the F4 data set processing options in JCL

The following table illustrates how the associated data set name is determined when you press F4 on lines with the respective statement type:
Table 1. How associated data set names are determined for specific statement types
Statement type Data set name
  • // EXEC procedure name
  • // EXEC PROC=procedure name
  • // INCLUDE Member=procedure name
The first data set that contains the procedure where the search order is JCLLIB, System procedure libraries.
Note: If variable substitution is performed for a nested view or edit session, the parameter values on an EXEC procedure statement will be used in the nested view session.
// .... DSN=data set name data set name
// EXEC PGM=program name The first data set that contains the program where the search order is STEPLIB or JOBLIB, LPA, LLA.
Note: If option 1 View or option 2 Edit is used with an EXEC PGM= statement, Z Data Tools View Load module will be substituted.
// JCLLIB ORDER= The cursor positioned data set name, or the first data set name in the ORDER= list.