Clone Data Sets panel

Entering the CLONE command (or your customized ISPF command name) displays the Clone Data Sets panel.

   ┌─────────────────────────── Clone Data Sets ───────────────────────────┐    
 ─ │ Command ===> _________________________________________________________│ ── 
   │                                                                       │   
 0 │ Prefix:                                                List    Report │    
   │   Input .  HFM.DEMO01.**                                +      1 View │    
 0 │   Output . KEEPER.DEMO01                                +             │    
 1 │ Suffix:                                                               │    
 2 │   Input .                                                             │    
 3 │   Output .                                                            │    
 4 │ Remote System ID:                                                     │    
 5 │   Data set                                                            │ 
 6 │   Input .              Output .                                       │    
 7 │ Clone list:                                                           │    
 9 │   Data set                                                            │    
 1 │   Member .              _ Edit                                        │ 
 1 │ Output Volume and classes:                                            │ 3
 1 │   Volume .          Data         Storage         Management           │
 1 │ Options:                                                              │    
 1 │ Enter "/" to select option                        Redefine like       │    
 S │ / Batch  _ Jobcard  _ Replace  _ Report  _ Sysin  _ 1. Input          │    
   │ _ Generations        _ IAM-VSAM                     2. Output         │    
   │                                                                       │    
   │                                                                       │    

The clone command keeps the last 50 entries in a history table. The full command history can be retrieved by pressing Enter with the cursor positioned on a blank input prefix field. The Remote System ID data set and Clone list data set names can be retrieved similarly by pressing Enter with the cursor positioned on a blank data set field.

The + sign adjacent to the prefix fields is a point-and-shoot field that will produce a list of data sets matching the specified prefix. For data sets located on a remote system (where the Remote System ID field is nonblank) Z Data Tools will be used, otherwise an ISPF data set list is produced.

Pressing Enter on this panel runs the clone command. A list of from and to data set names is produced for you to review. At this point you can remove selected data sets from the list of data sets to be cloned.

To edit the resulting Z Data Tools copy statements select either the Batch or Sysin options. To view the foreground copy report select the Report option or use option 1 after completion of the copy process.

The following section describes the fields on the Clone Data Sets panel.

Prefix Input and Output values
Use the Prefix Input field to identify the data sets that are to be cloned. The prefix portion is identified as the qualifiers that precede an ** value in a qualifier. The number of prefix qualifiers is used to determine the number of qualifiers that will be changed in the qualifying data sets. If you specify a clone list member with input data set names without a corresponding data set name, the number of prefix qualifiers to be replaced will be determined by the input prefix.

Press Enter with the cursor positioned on a blank input prefix to retrieve a previous command.

Press Enter with the cursor positioned on the adjacent + sign to show a data set list of matching data sets.

The Prefix Output field is used to determine the output data set name if you are changing the high-level qualifiers. The input prefix, if provided, will determine the number of prefix qualifiers changed from the input data set when determining the output data set name. If the input prefix hasn't been specified and the clone list member provides the input data set name but not the corresponding output on a given line, this value will be used to derive the corresponding output data set name. You can specify % and * in qualifiers that have a corresponding qualifier on the input data set. Specify % to inherit that character from the corresponding position in the input data set name. Use * to inherit the remaining characters in the corresponding qualifier of the input data set. (Use * only at the end of an output qualifier.)

Press Enter with the cursor positioned on the adjacent + sign to show a data set list of matching data sets.

Example 1. Copy all data sets with hlq HFM to hlq USER1.NEW
   Input .  HFM.**
   Output . USER1.NEW1
Example 2. Valid use of * character
   Input .  HFM.PI*.**
   Output . USER1.AA*
  • Input data set name: HFM.PI53019.DATA
  • Output data set name: USER1.AA53019.DATA
Example 3. Invalid use of generic % character in output mask
   Input .  HFM.PI*.**
   Output . USER1.AA*.NEW%

NEW% has no corresponding input qualifier so it cannot be resolved.

Suffix Input and Output values
The Suffix Input field is specified in conjunction with an output suffix. If a data set selected for copy has a matching suffix then this value will be replaced with the output suffix. If a data set does not have a matching suffix the output suffix will be appended to the output data set name.

The output suffix will append or replace an input suffix when determining the output data set name. If a matching input suffix is found it will be replaced with the output suffix, otherwise the output suffix will be appended.

Remember: This might lead to data set names that exceed the maximum length.
Example 4. Output data sets where a suffix is replaced with NEW
   Input .  HFM.**
   Input .  OLD
   Output . NEW
  • Input data set name: HFM.FMDATA.OLD
  • Output data set name: HFM.FMDATA.NEW
  • Input data set name: HFM.FMDATA.XXX
  • Output data set name: HFM.FMDATA.XXX.NEW
Example 5. Output data sets with NEW appended
   Input .  HFM.**
   Output . NEW
  • Input data set name: HFM.FMDATA
  • Output data set name: HFM.FMDATA.NEW
  • Input data set name: HFM.FMDATA.XXX
  • Output data set name: HFM.FMDATA.NEW.XXX
Remote System ID
You can copy data sets to or from a remote system by providing either an input or an output remote system ID. A remote system ID is a 1- through 8-character name that identifies credentials to be used by Z Data Tools. These credentials are defined in a data set which you can specify on this panel.
Important: Although the user ID and password on the credentials data set are not visible, ensure that this data set is protected by your external security product so that only the owner of the credentials data set has READ access.
Data set
The name of the data set where your remote credentials will be stored.

To select a previously used value, position the cursor on a blank value and press Enter. To select from a list of data sets, enter a generic name. If the Data set field is left blank and an input or output remote system ID is entered, the data set name defaults to userid.HFMAUTH.

If the data set doesn't exist you will be prompted to allocate it.

This a 1- through 8-character Z Data Tools remote system identifier. If you specify this the resulting copy job will add the prefix RM:remote_value: to all input data set names.

To select from a list, position the cursor to a blank value or enter a generic value.

To define a new remote system enter a new name or use the I line command from an existing list of remote system definitions.

This a 1- through 8-character Z Data Tools remote system identifier. If you specify this the resulting copy job will add the prefix RM:remote_value: to all output data set names.

To select from a list, position the cursor to a blank value or enter a generic value.

To define a new remote system enter a new name or use the I line command from an existing list of remote system definitions.

Clone list
Data set
The clone list data set contains members where you can specify the following values:
  • Multiple input and output prefix values or individual data sets.
  • Optional input templates for record selection.
  • Optional output templates for record reformatting.

To select a previously used value, position the cursor on a blank value and press Enter. To select from a list of data sets, enter a generic name. If the Data set field is left blank and a member is specified, the data set name defaults to userid.HFMCLONE.

If the data set doesn't exist you will be prompted to allocate it.

Specify the name of a member that contains one or more lines in the following format:
Input_dsn Input_template Output_dsn Output_template


This identifies the input data sets and member names for the copy process. You can use generic values % and * to provide generic values to be used in the data set and member selection process. Specify the member name in parentheses.
This will be used for record selection in the copy process. Specify to bypass.
This determines the corresponding output data set and member names. If this is not specified then you must provide a value for output prefix or output suffix. You can provide an output member mask in parentheses if members are to be renamed.
This will be used for record reformatting or scrambling during the copy process. Specify to bypass.

Select the Edit option or enter the E line command from a member list or specify a new member name to edit the member. If you specify a generic member name or position the cursor on a blank member name a list will be produced where you can provide a description of the member for later reference.

Processing options
Enter / to select any of the following options.
Produce and edit batch JCL that will perform the copy process.
Customize the Z Data Tools job card.
Replace like members in an output partitioned data set.
View the foreground copy report for the clone operation immediately after the clone process completes.
Edit the foreground copy SYSIN statements before the process is invoked.
Redefine like
This provides the option to delete and define an existing output data set based on either the corresponding input or its previous definition.
1. Input
Redefine all the output files with the attributes of the corresponding input data set.
Note: If the input is a GDG then the output GDG and all of its associations will be deleted.
2. Output
Redefine output VSAM and GDG base definitions. Use for non-reusable VSAM data sets or to clear a GDG and all of its associations before copying.
Enter / to copy generation members for PDSE Version 2 data sets. You can provide a number in the following input field to limit the number of generations to process with the copy.
This option appears if IAM is installed. Enter / to convert IAM data sets to VSAM.