Examples of accessing CICS® resources

Shown here are two examples of accessing CICS® resources.

Example 1: Searching and editing a CICS® Temporary Storage Queue

To search and edit a CICS® Temporary Storage Queue, follow these steps:

  1. From the Primary Option Menu panel, select option 2 (Edit) to display the Edit Entry panel.
  2. In the Data set/path name field, type "TS:" as shown in Specifying CICS temporary storage queues.

    The "TS:" indicates to Z Data Tools that you want to edit one or more Temporary Storage Queues from a CICS® application.

    Note: To edit CICS® Transient Data Queues, type "TD:"; to edit CICS® files, type "FI:".)
    Figure 1. Specifying CICS® temporary storage queues
      Process   Options   Help
     Z Data Tools                   Edit Entry Panel
     Input Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or HFS file:
        Data set/path name TS:                                             +
        Member . . . . .              Blank or pattern for member list
        Volume serial  .              If not cataloged
        Start position .                                 +
        Record limit . .              Record Sampling  
        Inplace edit . .                (Prevent inserts and deletes)
     Copybook or Template:
        Data set name . . . . .                                               
        Member  . . . . . . . .              Blank or pattern for member list
     Processing Options:
      Copybook/template   Start position type   Enter "/" to select option
      3  1. Above            1. Key                Edit template    Type (1,2,S)
         2. Previous         2. RBA                Include only selected records
         3. None             3. Record number      Binary mode, reclen      
         4. Create dynamic   4. Formatted key      Create audit trail
                                                   Use I/O exit
     Command ===>                                                                  
      F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=Expand    F7=Backward  F8=Forward
      F9=Swap     F10=Actions  F12=Cancel
  3. Press Enter.

    When you specify the type of CICS® resource ("TS:", "TD:", or "FI:") on an entry panel, but without any further qualification, Z Data Tools next displays the CICS® Applid Selection List panel which lists the available CICS® applications as shown in List of CICS applications.

    Figure 2. List of CICS® applications
      Process   Options   Help
      Z Data Tools           CICS Applid Selection list          Row 00001 of 00023
       Applid   Status   Description
       *        *        *                                          
       CICSDEV1 Active   Development system 1
       CICSDEV2 Active   Development system 2
       CICSTST1 Inactive Testing system 1
       CICSTST2 Inactive Testing system 2
       CICSTST3 Inactive Testing system 3
       CICSTST4 Active   Testing system 4
       CICSPRD1 Inactive Production system 1
     Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE
      F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F5=RFind     F7=Backward
      F8=Forward   F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel
  4. Select the CICS® application you want by typing "S" in the entry field next to the relevant applid (in this case, applid CICSTST1) as shown in Selecting a CICS application.
    Figure 3. Selecting a CICS® application
      Process   Options   Help
      Z Data Tools           CICS Applid Selection list          Row 00001 of 00023
       Applid   Status   Description
       *        *        *                                          
       CICSDEV1 Active   Development system 1
       CICSDEV2 Active   Development system 2
     S CICSTST1 Inactive Testing system 1
       CICSTST2 Inactive Testing system 2
       CICSTST3 Inactive Testing system 3
       CICSTST4 Inactive Testing system 4
       CICSPRD1 Inactive Production system 1
     Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE
      F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F5=RFind     F7=Backward
      F8=Forward   F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel
  5. Press Enter.

    Z Data Tools then displays a list of Temporary Storage Queues (because you specified "TS:" on the Edit Entry Panel) for the selected CICS® application as shown in List of CICS temporary storage queues.

    Figure 4. List of CICS® temporary storage queues
      Process   Options   Help
      Z Data Tools      CICS Temporary Storage Selection List    Row 00001 of 00005
       Queue            Loc   Items Size      Max   Min   Tran   Last     SYS   Po ±
       *                *                                 *               *     * 
       lowercase        AUX      20      6400   320   320 HFM       97210
       KSDSXX           AUX      20      2560   128   128 HFM       98913
       KSDS10           AUX      10      1280   128   128 HFM       14654
       TDTD"'TDTD TD    AUX     100     32000   320   320 HFM       97194
       TDTEST10         AUX      10      3200   320   320 HFM       97423
     ****  End of data  ****
     Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE
      F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F5=RFind     F7=Backward
      F8=Forward   F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel
  6. Select the Temporary Storage Queue you want by typing "S" in the entry field next to the relevant queue (in this case, KSDS10) as shown in Selecting a CICS temporary storage queue.
    Figure 5. Selecting a CICS® temporary storage queue
      Process   Options   Help
      Z Data Tools      CICS Temporary Storage Selection List    Row 00001 of 00005
       Queue            Loc   Items Size      Max   Min   Tran   Last     SYS   Po ±
       *                *                                 *               *     * 
       lowercase        AUX      20      6400   320   320 HFM        97210
       KSDSXX           AUX      20      2560   128   128 HFM        98913
     S KSDS10           AUX      10      1280   128   128 HFM        14654
       TDTD"'TDTD TD    AUX     100     32000   320   320 HFM        97194
       TDTEST10         AUX      10      3200   320   320 HFM        97423
     ****  End of data  ****
     Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE
      F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F5=RFind     F7=Backward
      F8=Forward   F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel
  7. Press Enter.

    Z Data Tools then displays the data in the selected Temporary Storage Queue as shown in Data in CICS temporary storage queue.

    Figure 6. Data in CICS® temporary storage queue
      Process   Options   Help
     Edit             TS:CICSTST1:KSDS10                               Top of 10
            Col 1       Insert Length 80              Record AT TOP     Format CHAR
     ****** ****  Top of data  ****
     000001 ....1       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa                         6324West aindy    Wa
     000002 ....2       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa                         6324West aindy    Wa
     000003 ....3       74 Redcliffe St                         6324West aindy    Wa
     000004 ....4       74 Redcliffe St                         6324West aindy    Wa
     000005 ....5       74 Redcliffe St                         6324West aindy    Wa
     000006 ....6       74 Redcliffe St                         6324West aindy    Wa
     000007 ....7       74 Redcliffe St                         6324West aindy    Wa
     000008 ....8       74 Redcliffe St                         6324West aindy    Wa
     000009 ....9       74 Redcliffe St                         6324West aindy    Wa
     000010 ....10      74 Redcliffe St                         6324West aindy    Wa
     ****** ****  End of data  ****

Example 2: Searching and modifying a CICS® file

To search and modify a CICS® file, follow these steps:

  1. From the Primary Option Menu panel, select option 2 (Edit) to display the Edit Entry panel.
  2. In the Data set/path name field, type "FI:CICSTST1" as shown in Specifying CICS files from a CICS application.

    The "FI:" indicates to Z Data Tools that you want to edit one or more CICS® files, and the "CICSTST1" indicates that you want to edit the files from the CICS® application, CICSTST1.

    Figure 7. Specifying CICS® files from a CICS® application
      Process   Options   Help
     Z Data Tools                   Edit Entry Panel
     Input Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or HFS file:
        Data set/path name FI:CICSTST1                                     +
        Member . . . . .              Blank or pattern for member list
        Volume serial  .              If not cataloged
        Start position .                                 +
        Record limit . .              Record Sampling  
        Inplace edit . .                (Prevent inserts and deletes)
     Copybook or Template:
        Data set name . . . . .                                               
        Member  . . . . . . . .              Blank or pattern for member list
     Processing Options:
      Copybook/template   Start position type   Enter "/" to select option
      3  1. Above            1. Key                Edit template    Type (1,2,S)
         2. Previous         2. RBA                Include only selected records
         3. None             3. Record number      Binary mode, reclen      
         4. Create dynamic   4. Formatted key      Create audit trail
                                                   Use I/O exit
     Command ===>                                                                  
      F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=Expand    F7=Backward  F8=Forward
      F9=Swap     F10=Actions  F12=Cancel
  3. Press Enter.

    When you specify the type of CICS® resource ("TD:", "TS:", or "FI:") and the CICS® application on an entry panel, but without specifying the name of the CICS® resource, Z Data Tools next displays a selection list of the Transient Data Queues, Temporary Storage Queues, or files for the specified CICS® application. In this case, Z Data Tools displays a list of CICS® files for the specified CICS® application (CICSTST1) as shown in Selection list of CICS files.

    Figure 8. Selection list of CICS® files
      Process   Options   Help
      Z Data Tools            CICS File Selection List           Row 00001 of 00020
       File     Data Set Name                                Type O E R U A B D SY ±
       *        *                                            *    P N E P D R E * 
                                                                  E A A D D O L
       DFHCSD   CICS.FILE.DFHCSD                             KSDS O E R U A B D
       DFHDBFK                                               VSAM C E R U A B D
       DFHLRQ   CICS.FILE.DFHLRQ                             KSDS O E R U A B D
       ESDS10   CICS.FILE.ESDS                               KSDS O E R U   B  
       EZACACHE EZACACHE                                     TABL C U R U A B D
       EZACONFG CICS.FILE.EZACONFG                           KSDS C D R     B  
       FMDATA   CICS.FILE.FMDATA                             KSDS C E R        
       PMRRDS1  CICS.FILE.PMRRDS1                            KSDS C E R        
       RRDS10   CICS.FILE.RRDS10                             KSDS O E R U   B  
     ****  End of data  ****
     Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE
      F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=CRetriev  F5=RFind     F7=Backward
      F8=Forward   F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel
  4. You can now proceed to work with any of the CICS® resources listed.

    For more information about working with CICS® resources in Z Data Tools, see Z Data Tools User’s Guide and Reference for CICS.