Database Extract Summary report

Figure 1. Database Extract Summary
HCL Z Data Tools IMS Component                                                                                Page 1
                                             Database Extract Summary                                         Date: 2013-05-27
                                                                                                              Time: 15.36.25
Extract from
  IMS subsystem:       IFA2
  Primary database:    DJ2E
Extract to data set:   HFM.IMS.EXTRACT.DJ2E
Processing Options
  PSB type:            Static
  Region type:         DLI
  Use criteria:        Y
  Use key values:      Y
Criteria set:          HFM.IMS.CRITERIA(DJ2E#CRT)
Key values data set:   HFM.XKEY.DJ2E
Key Value Counts
  Number read:                 6
  Number not found:            0
PSB name:              PUPA
PSB library:           HFM.IMS.IVP.PSBLIB
  Data set name 1:     HFM.IMS.IVP.DBDLIB
  Data set name 2:     IMSV1210.FMI.DBDLIB
Databases Data Sets
               DBD name  DD name   Data set name
               --------  --------  --------------------------------------------
               DJ2E      DJ2E      HFM.IMS.IVP.DB.DJ2E
               DJ2F      DJ2F      HFM.IMS.IVP.DB.DJ2F
               DJ3E      DJ3E      HFM.IMS.IVP.DB.DJ3E
               DJ3F      DJ3F      HFM.IMS.IVP.DB.DJ3F
               DJ1E      DJ1E      HFM.IMS.IVP.DB.DJ1E
               DJ1F      DJ1F      HFM.IMS.IVP.DB.DJ1F
IMS Subsystem
The name of the IMS subsystem that the databases are defined in.
Primary Database
The name of the primary database of the Extract.
Extract to data set
The name of the data set in which the extracted data is stored.
PSB type
The type of PSB that the Extract used to access the databases:
The Extract used a temporary PSB that it generated at the start of the batch job.
The Extract used an existing PSB.
Region type
The type of region that the Extract ran in.
The Extract ran in a DL/I batch processing region.
The Extract ran in a BMP region.
Use criteria
Whether or not the Extract used a criteria set.
Use key values
Whether or not the Extract was limited to specified root key values or a root key range.
SDEP timestamp order
When the primary database has a sequentially dependent (SDEP) segment, whether or not the timestamp for the SDEP segments is included in their extract records.
Criteria set
The name of the data set that contains the criteria set that the Extract used.
Key values data set
The name of the data set that contains the key values of the root segments of the records that were extracted.
Key value counts
Number read
The number of keys specified in the Key values data set and/or the KEYLIST parameter.
Number not found
The number of specified keys for which the root segment wasn't found. The SYSPRINT output lists the key values that were not found.
PSB name
(When the PSB type is Static) The name of the PSB that the Extract used.
PSB library
(When the PSB type is Static) The name of the library containing the PSB that the Extract used.
DBD Data set names
The names of the DBD libraries used by the Extract.
Database Data Sets
(When the Region type is DLI) the database data sets that the Extract used.
DBD name
This column contains the name of the primary database and the names of the databases that are logically related to the primary database.
DD name
The DD names for each database specified in the DBD name column.
Data set name
The data set that was allocated to the specified DD name.