Working with LISTDEF utility panels

When you specify 2. LISTDEF in the Specification section and the name of the LISTDEF in LISTDEF name of one of the Db2® utility panels (excluding LOAD), ZDT/Db2 displays an alternative panel showing the name of the LISTDEF. You use the LISTDEF form of the utility panel to specify one or more names to be used in the LIST clause in the JCL generated for the Db2® utility.

Initially the panel shows a single line containing the name you specified in the LISTDEF name field on the Db2® utility panel.

You can manipulate the panel rows as necessary by entering line commands in the CMD field to insert, repeat, delete, or select rows.

An asterisk (*) in the PRC column indicates the LISTDEF in the row is selected. Use the S command to toggle unselected rows to selected and selected rows to unselected.

You cannot select a row where the LISTDEF Name field is blank.

To display the LISTDEF Selection pop-up panel, type an asterisk (*) in the LISTDEF Name field.
┌──────────────── LISTDEF Selection ───────────────────┐
│                                      Row 1 to 4 of 4 │
│ Select one from the list of the last twelve entries. │
│                                                      │
│ Sel LISTDEF                                          │
│     NORMAL                                           │
│     EXAMPLE1                                         │
│     JOHNS                                            │
│     MYLIST                                           │
│ ***************** Bottom of data ******************* │
│                                                      │
│                                                      │
│                                                      │
│                                                      │
│ Command ===>                                         │
│  F1=Help        F2=Split       F3=Exit               │
│  F9=Swap        F12=Cancel                           │
Select a LISTDEF name from the displayed list by entering an S in the Sel field.

To create a utility batch job with the selected LISTDEFs, press Enter.

For more information about the LISTDEF name, see the LIST keyword in the Db2 Utility Guide and Reference.